mushroom growing good way

mushroom growing good way
Oyster mushroom cultivation is suitable for tropical climates such as Indonesia. The investment needed to start udaha oyster mushroom cultivation reasonably priced and can be done gradually. The hardest part is making baglog, planting medium that has diinokulaikan with mushroom seeds.

The Latin name is Pleurotus ostreatus Oyster mushroom, included in the group Basidiomycota. Oyster mushroom called because of the shape of the canopy resembles an oyster shell. Semicircular white. In the wild, white oyster mushroom commonly found in the logs that have been weathered. Perhaps because it is often called the oyster mushroom wood mushrooms.

There are two main activities in the oyster mushroom cultivation. The first stage is to make the planting medium and inoculating mushroom seed into the planting medium. So overgrown with mycelium white media such as cotton. The second stage is the mycelium grow into fruit bodies.

For newcomers, usually start growing crop activities baglog became flesh. While procurement, baglog ready to grow obtained with the purchase of another party. Then after cultivation efforts developing and volume and try to make baglog own.

In this paper, I will review the steps that must be prepared to start the white oyster mushroom cultivation.
Setting up kumbung

Mushroom or mushroom house is a place to care for and grow fungus baglog. Kumbung usually in the form of a building, which filled the shelves to put baglog. The building must have the ability to maintain temperature and humidity.
Kumbung usually made of bamboo or wood. Kumbung walls can be made of woven bamboo or board. The roofs of tile or shingle. Do not use asbestos or zinc roofs, because the roof is going to bring the heat. While the floor should not be plastered. So that the water used to flush the fungus can seep.

In the mushroom house is equipped with a rack in the form of lattice graded. The shelf serves to organize baglog. Order a rack can be made of bamboo or wood. Shelves lined placed. Between shelves to one another separated by a hallway for treatment.

The size of the space between shelves height should not be less than 40 cm, the rack can be made 2-3 level. Rack width of 40 cm and the length of each segment 1 meter rack. Each segment of this rack can carry 70-80 baglog. Adjusted for the purposes shelf baglog be cultivated.

Before baglog added kumbung, you should do the preparation beforehand. Here are the steps:
  • Clean the mushroom house and shelves for storing baglog of dirt.
  • Do liming and spraying with a fungicide on the inside of the mushroom. Let stand for 2 days, before baglog incorporated into the mushroom house.
  • After missing the smell of drugs, enter baglog ready to be grown. The entire surface is covered with white fibers.
Setting up baglog
Baglog a place to put the seedling planting medium oyster mushrooms. Baglog main ingredient is sawdust, because the oyster mushroom including wood fungus. Baglog cylindrical plastic wrapped, in which one end is a hole. At the opening of oyster mushrooms will grow sticking out.

In the cultivation of large-scale oyster mushroom, mushroom growers usually make baglog own. But for beginner farmers, or farmers with limited capital usually baglog purchased from other parties. So that farmers can focus on running the cultivation.

Currently, baglog oyster mushrooms weighing about 1 kg is sold at Rp. 2000-2500. As for when you want to create your own please read how to make oyster mushroom baglog.
How to care for baglog

There are two ways to prepare baglog in the rack, which is placed vertically where baglog hole facing up. And horizontally, baglog hole facing sideways.
Both methods have their advantages. Baglog arranged horizontally safer than water spray. If excessive watering, water will not enter into baglog. In addition, to make harvesting easier. However, the preparation of a more horizontal take up space.

Here are ways oyster mushroom cultivation treatments are as follows:
  • Sebelum baglog disusun, buka terlebih dahulu cincin dan kertas penutup baglog. Kemudian diamkan kurang lebih 5 hari. Bila lantai terbuat dari tanah lakukan penyiraman untuk menambah kelembaban.
  • Setelah itu, potong ujung baglog untuk memberikan ruang pertumbuhan lebih lebar. Biarkan selama 3 hari jangan dulu disiram. Penyiraman cukup pada lantai saja.
  • Lakukan penyiraman dengan sprayer. Penyiraman sebaiknya membentuk kabut, bukan tetesan-tetesan air. Semakin sempurna pengabutan semakin baik. Frekuensi penyiraman 2-3 kali sehari, tergantung suhu dan kelembaban kumbung. Jaga suhu pada kisaran 16-24oC.
Harvest oyster mushroom cultivation

When used baglog perfect surface has been covered with mycelium, usually within 1-2 weeks after opening the lid baglog, the fungus will grow and can be harvested. Baglog mushrooms can be harvested 5-8 times, when treatment is good. Baglog which weighs about 1 kg will produce mushrooms as much as 0.7-0.8 kg. After that baglog discarded or can be used as compost.
Harvesting is done against fungi that have bloomed and enlarged. Precisely when the edges have seen tapered. However, the hood has not broken the color is white. When the harvest through a half-day course, the color becomes somewhat tawny and hood broke. In such a case, the fungus will quickly wither and not durable. The first harvest distance to the next harvest around 2-3 weeks.