good way of planting marijuana

image marijuana
Sinsemilla marijuana is a method of cultivation of marijuana by creating genetic cannabis plant that does not produce seeds. Sinsemilla word comes from the ancient Spanish language consists of two parts of the word "sin" and "semilla" which means "seedless". In development terms sinsemilla marijuana among the user community has morphed into one word, sinsemilla. Spelling later changed from "sinsemilla" to "sensimilla". Some people still call it "feminine" instead of sinsemilla. Feminine means seedless marijuana, plant only female sex without a male aspect. Sinsemilla can be done on plant cannabis indica, sativa, or hybrid ruderalis sinsemilla.

How to produce sinsemilla seed is quite simple. In the vegetative period, male sex marijuana plants were separated from females. If allowed to grow longer, the male flowers will open and menyembarkan pollen to the female flowers. This can reduce the levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) contained in marijuana known type females have more THC. Eliminating the male part of the plant cannabis seeds will divert all the energy produced into a female marijuana buds that produce a high THC. Production of THC and CDB intensified and become more powerful cannabis potency.

Such as strawberry or apple tree, marijuana plants can be propagated by cutting a piece of the plant and paste (transplant) to other plants that have been grown. Sinsemilla be a method known throughout the world in terms of producing strains of marijuana with THC highest quality.

The use of marijuana for recreational purposes depends on the underlying principles. Female cannabis plant is used because it has a THC rich buds among the leaves. These buds contain hundreds of tiny hairs that serve to catch pollen from male plants. If the male plants are removed, the small hairs on the female plants are no longer catch the pollen. As a result, female plants to devote more energy to produce larger buds with more dense hair that can be more effective in capturing the male pollen, although the male pollen is not there anymore. The process of "lust" female plants to male reproductive component lead optimization THC-rich bud growth. If the male plants are present, then the male will fertilize crops female plants. If this is the case then the female plant will devote less energy to produce buds larger and more towards producing seeds to create offspring.

Advantages of sinsemilla that farmers can automatically determine whether the plants were cloned male or female. When planting, marijuana growers generally a male plants because they do not generate a lot of THC. At the time of planting marijuana, in general, farmers have the possibility of 50-50 to get a male or female plants. The problem is, we do not know whether the plant is male or female until at an advanced stage in the growth phase, when one shoots or glandular pollen began to emerge from the leaf of marijuana. In other words, a lot of time and energy is wasted just to separate the male plants and female plants. Therefore, sinsemilla provide a much more definite way in knowing that we keep the plant is a female cannabis plant.

Actually cuttings can be used to determine whether the plant is male or female. Pieces branches of indeterminate sex can be directed to adjust the lighting, after which interest will follow the gender of the parent clone. But if you are able to use the cuttings to determine the sex of the plant, meaning that you will be able to plant the sinsemilla technique that depends on the cuttings in his work. With sinsemilla, seeds can be removed with the exception of the plant since its inception, compared with the planting of the seeds, then new in cuttings.

In the process of sinsemilla, only female plants are not in serbuki that can be used. To achieve that, the male plants should be removed since the beginning of the growth phase to eliminate the risk of pollen already reached shoots female plants. Before the female plants produce flowers, cuts are made to begin is known as the clone bank. Clones would be genetically identical to the parent plant, which ensures that the strain of marijuana worth to be duplicated with slight variations according to the desire of farmers. In addition, clones will mature at the same time which can help farmers plan to plant and crop rotation. New cuttings will produce after being moved, while sinsemilla save time. Cannabis cafes in Amsterdam sell marijuana with certain strains and varieties that can only be duplicated by methods sinsemilla.

Marijuana is very flexible in cultivation. If legalized in Indonesia, the cultivation of the cannabis plant will be one of the option the right to start a business based on crop cultivation. (IG)