Sugar apple fruit crop cultivation

Sugar apple or fruit nona (Annona squamosa), is a plant belonging to the genus Annona from the tropics.

Sugar-apple fruit is round with many cutting edge skin (similar soursop). The flesh is white.

Including semi-evergreen shrub or tree deciduous reach 8 m in height. The leaves are intermittent, simple, javelin longitudinal, 7-12 cm long, 3-4 cm and berlebar. The flowers appear in bunches of 3-4, each flower berlebar 2-3 cm, with six leaves flowers / petals, yellow-green speckled purple at the bottom.

The fruit is usually round or cone-like evergreen, 6-10 cm in diameter, with berbenjol skin and scaly. The flesh is white, resembles and tastes like pudding.

In addition to a healthy consumption of fruit, sugar apple fruit seeds can be used as a pesticide plant. For example, sugar apple seed extract is used to control pests Spodoptera litura, Plutella xylostella, and termite soil. Sugar apple seed extract functions as a stomach poison on insect pests.

Cultivation srikaya

Nurseries Srikaya
In srikaya cultivation techniques, first you have to know the right way to nursery srikaya that your farming business profitable. For the cultivation of sugar apple way, there are two ways to nursery, ie by generative and vegetative propagation. Actually the way to plant sugar apple can be grown directly from seed sweet fruit, but the multiplication of the sugar apple seeds will undergo breakage due to the nature of sugar apple seeds that are heterozygous. Therefore, planting the seeds of sweet fruit, there is likely to produce fruit that is not sweet.

Propagation Method
Because the plant with seeds outcome is uncertain, you should cultivate sugar apple with vegetative techniques such as grafting, connections, and graft. How to plant the right is as follows. Actually remained planted seeds, but only as forming populations in breeding or improved varieties and also as a main stem in vegetative propagation. Seeds can be planted but cuman remain as the main tree. After a fairly large tree made of vegetative propagation. Branch used in the vegetative have the same quality as the parent plant.

Characteristics of Seed Vegetative
Have the same properties even identical to the parent. Then quickly produce fruit. If only the seeds, new trees will bear fruit at the age of 4 to 5 years. Meanwhile, if the weight of vegetative will bear fruit at the age of 3 to 4 years. Equally strong taproot, except for seedling roots riding graft as false. Then is the process of planting.

Planting Process Excellence Srikaya
Here are the steps for preparing the rootstock of sugar apple seeds for nurseries. First take the seeds of the ripe fruit trees or old. Then wash and dry the seeds in a nursery. Do not expose to direct sunlight because it will be easier to die for treatment. Then plant the seeds using the media in place after the seeds are dry seedbed. For a growing medium consisting of manure and soil mixture in the ratio 1: 2. Make sure the moisture seedlings in the nursery you keep well. Having grown up as high as 5 to 10 cm move into a polybag. To polybags has a diameter of 20 cm. Polybag nursery media using tanag and also compost mixture ratio of 1: 1, or manure and soil ratio 1: 2. Dispose of seeds that grow abnormally as a dwarf. Rootstock of seed, vegetative propagation will be ready to be done after the age of 6 to 12 months.

Connection Shoots
Make sure you have set up a branch of a tree scion indu fruitful and superior, and retrieved from the leaf bud branch approach is not that young parents. After rootstock ready, cut the stems down to a height of 10 to 20 cm. Then divide rootstock 3 cm deep from the surface denagn razor or sharp knife. Cut branches scion basically and give the rest of 5-15 cm from the growing point at the ends of branches. Cut two opposite sides of a branch or scion to a wedge-shaped chisel equal to 3 cm. Insert scion in the seeds into the gap below the stem so that both sides of the incision intersect. Then cover with sangkup. Having looked buds, open sangkupnya. Keep it moist conditions so that the normal growth of these scars. To reduce evaporation, reduce the leaves on the stem scion. Put the seeds in the open for one week in order to adjust to the ground state. Plant seeds in the soil if the connection reaches a height of 70 to 100 cm. Then you harusmemelihara seeds